The prestigious biopic on legendary NTR, titled “NTR”, is all set to be launched on 29th March. The ceremony will be held at Ramakrishna Studios in Hyderabad. Here is the interesting information on the first shot to be canned on that eve – it will involve four CMs.
The first shot on the launch day will be held on the characters of former CMs – NTR (then United AP CM) and MGR (then Tamil Nadu Chief Minister). A scene featuring the two legendary stars of Telugu and Tamil cinema respectively turned CMs will be filmed.
Telangana CM KCR will give Clap for the shot and AP CM Chandrababu Naidu will switch on the camera. Thus, the two former CMs will be in front of camera and the latter two will be off the camera for the first shot, making it a unique association of four CMs.
Balayya plays his father in the biopic. He also co-produces the film along with Sai Korrapati and Vishnu Induri.