Released during the Sankranthi holidays, Agnyaathavaasi not only ended up as the biggest disaster in Tollywood’s history, but also became a blot in Trivikram’s illustrious career and his reputation as an intellectual filmmaker. But keeping the Agnyaathavaasi nightmare aside, Trivikram is currently working on NTR’s movie.
Recently, Trivikram’s absence at the pre-release event of his latest home production ‘Chal Mohan Ranga’ gave rise to many rumours. Naturally, everyone wondered if Trivikram was yet to come out of Agnyaathavaasi’s aftershock. But Chal Mohan Ranga’s hero Nithiin revealed the main reason behind Trivikram skipping the event.
Nithiin said during his latest interview that Trivikram had initially confirmed his presence at Chal Mohan Ranga’s event. However, on the evening, the star director sent him a message saying that he is suffering from severe cold and cough and that he cannot attend the event. Well, that should put an end to all the speculations.