A few weeks ago, Janasena President Pawan Kalyan suddenly resurfaced on the AP political scene by r raking up the special status issue once again. Pawan, who has been silent all these years, launched a vehement attack on AP CM Nara Chandrababu Naidu and accused Babu of “doing nothing” to get the special status.
In a bid to prove how commitment over fight for special status, Pawan even convened a Joint Fact Finding Committee (JFC) and invited Lok Satta’s Jayaprakash Narayana and former MP Undavalli Arun Kumar. The trio, after a brainstorming session, came up with a modus operandi to attain the special status.
However, since the JFC’s first meeting, Pawan Kalyan once again went back to his shell. While there has been a growing restlessness over the Janasena chief’s deafening silence, the latest statement by Jayaprakash Narayana has given a clear picture about Pawan’s commitment.
Interacting with the journos today, JP said that Pawan has lost interest in the JFC. JP said that Pawan has not initiated any action after JFC’s report. He further revealed that an expert committee has now been formed in the second stage of JFC. He also said that the expert committee is awaiting centre’s appointment to discuss the issue. JP went on to claim that he was the first person to rake up the special status issue.