On an exaggerated note, we have to say, this is the almost 13th film for top starlet Samantha Akkineni which entered the One-Million club. And director Sukumar says, Samantha broke a rule with “Rangasthalam” and revealed that Chiranjeevi’s words helped him achieve this feat.
“When we picked Samantha for Rangasthalam, many scared us saying that she’s getting married and the audience might reject her. But when I posed the same question to Megastar Chiru, he said, ‘she is a good actress and audience will look at her character only but won’t worry about marriage and all’. Today everyone is praising Sam for her Rama Lakshmi acts. Also, she proved to the film industry that married heroines are no less by breaking the rule. So everyone now cast her” said Sukumar at Rangasthalam thank you meet.
Also one should appreciate the fact that Samantha has stayed so true to the role and she went on pouring glamour when needed and also did a lip kiss. Had she said, ‘I’m married, I won’t do this and that’, then Rama Lakshmi role would not have turned this way.
Definitely, this is high time Tollywood stops worrying about the marital status of heroines and continues to cast them based on the fact that they suit a role or not.