It’s been a week already since the release of Ram Charan’s latest blockbuster, Rangasthalam. The film has turned out to be the biggest hit and a landmark movie in Charan’s career.
In its first week, Rangasthalam grossed a staggering Rs 128 crores with a share of 80 crores worldwide. The film earned 90 Cr gross and a share of 58 Cr, creating a non-Baahubali first week record by beating Khaidi No.150’s first week share (56 Cr).
Rangasthalam has surpassed Chiranjeevi’s Khaidi No.150’s first week collections (77 Cr) and also zoomed past the lifetime collections of Atharintiki Daredi (75 Cr) and Jai Lava Kusa (76 Cr). The film is all set to beat NTR’s Janatha Garage’s full run collections (82 Cr) today. Rangasthalam will cross the 100 Cr share mark likely by the end of 2nd week or 3rd weekend.
Here is Rangasthalam’s area wise first week collections breakdown:
Nizam – 16,45,00,000
Ceded – 11,50,00,000
Nellore – 2,08,69,786
Guntur – 6,07,00,000
Krishna – 4,67,14,453
West – 4,00,00,000
East – 5,25,00,000
Uttharandhra – 8,02,58,340
Total 1st week AP & TS share – 58.05 Cr
Karnataka – 6,25,00,000
Tamil Nadu – 90,00,000
Rest of India – 75,00,000
USA – 10,70,00,000
Rest of World – 3,50,00,000
Total 1st week worldwide share – 80.15 Cr