Junior NTR who has everything in him to become the number one star in Tollywood has been going through a bad phase. His much hyped films like ‘Baadshah’ ‘Ramayya Vastavayya’ didn’t really live up to the expectations. But that didn’t deter the young tiger. Without taking a break, Junior NTR got into the new film with director Santosh Srinivas. This was first titled as ‘Rabhasa’ and then changed to ‘Joru’.
But now there are reports that even this film is in trouble. The shooting was to happen briskly but here is an update. It is heard that the script work is yet to be completed and is not in proper shape. Though Junior NTR had liked the line and narration it is heard that script was not that appealing and he suggested some changes to Srinivas. Buzz is that the director is working on it now.
The film is produced by Bellamkonda Suresh and it would be a while before the script is ready and shoot begins. At a time when Junior NTR is eager to get back into the system with a big hit, such delays are really painful and testing. Let us hope everything sorts well soon.