Koratala Siva’s latest film with Mahesh Babu ‘Bharat Ane Nenu’ is all set for release in a couple of days. Incidentally, Koratala Siva was rumoured to have acquired Bharat Ane Nenu’s story from a director named Srihari Nanu. Srihari had directed Bhumika’s debut home production Takita Takita in the past.
Rumours were rife that Koratala Siva had paid a staggering 1 crore to Srihari Nanu and acquired BAN’s story’s rights. But Siva has given the much needed clarification in a recent interview.
Koratala Siva said that Srihari Nanu was his roommate when they both were struggling in the early phase of their careers. During those days, Srihari Nanu narrated Bharat Ane Nenu’s basic theme to Koratala Siva and the latter was highly impressed.
After many years, Koratala Siva met Srihari and got his permission to use his story idea and then went on to develop the complete story on his own. Laughing off the rumours that he had paid 1 crore to Srihari Nanu, Koratala Siva said that he has given the ‘Special Thanks to Srihari Nanu’ card in the film’s credits.’