With the slogan ‘Justice for Andhra Pradesh’, AP Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu kickstarted his one day ‘Dharma Porata Deeksha’ this morning on the occasion of his 68th birthday. Babu’s hunger strike began at the Indira Gandhi Municipal Stadium at 7 am and it will end at 7 pm tonight. The deeksha has gained nationwide prominence as Babu is protesting in the capacity of a CM.
The main agenda of Chandrababu’s hunger strike is to exert pressure on the Modi-led NDA government to accord the promised special status to Andhra Pradesh and also fulfill the promises made in the Parliament during the state bifurcation in 2014.
TDP cabinet ministers and MLAs from all the 13 districts and thousands of TDP cadres from all over the state have thronged the deeksha venue in solidarity with the CM. Apart from this, several TDP MPs and district leaders and activists took part in the hunger strikes across all the 13 districts of Andhra Pradesh.