TV9’s owner Srini Raju, who is miffed with Pawan Kalyan’s comments against him and his media house, is apparently toying with the idea of filing a strong defamation case against Janasena chief for the tune of Rs 50 Crore. It is learnt that Srini Raju has prepared to do a legal battle against Pawan who leveled allegations against news channels on his micro-blogging page. Another news channel ABN is said to be gearing up to sue Pawan Kalyan for Rs 10 Crore.
Apparently, both Srini Raju and ABN Radha Krishna have initiated formalities and is likely to pay 1 percent amount of the total defamation value in the court i.e Rs 50 Lakh by Srini Raju and Rs 10 Lakh by ABN Radha Krishna to file defamation against Pawan.
Earlier, Pawan alleged TV9, ABN, TV5 and Mahaa news channels for their “favouritism” and alleged that the channels “make money by abusing women”. Pawan gave a call to fans to “boycott” the channels and asked them not to “watch” the aforementioned news channels.