The makers of Ram Charan’s Bollywood debut movie, Zanjeer are making sure that they play their cards right to make the project a big hit. They have now roped in Amitabh himself to play a special cameo in their movie. It has been confirmed by none other than Charan himself. “Mr Bachchan was shooting nearby and came over to wish us when he got to know we were shooting in the vicinity. He agreed to be part of the film by playing a small cameo,” confirmed Charan. When quizzed about his experience of working with Big B, Charan said, “I haven’t shot with Mr Bachchan yet. We will shoot his special scenes in April, according to the availability of his dates. It’s just a two-day shoot.” The first look of the movie will release on 27th of this month on the occasion of Charan’s Birthday.
The movie is the remake on 1973 blockbuster movie, Zanjeer. Priyanka Chopra is playing the female lead in the movie. Apoorva Lakhia is wielding the megaphone.The movie is being made in Telugu and Hindi and both the versions will have simultaneous release. Telugu version of the movie is titled ‘Toofan’.