Ex Minister and senior leader in Guntur district Kanna Lakshminarayana is all set to dump BJP to join YSRCP. According to reports, Kanna has already submitted his resignation to BJP’s top brass and is likely to join YSRCP on Wednesday (Apr 25) in the presence of Jagan. Apparently, Jagan has promised him Pedakurupadu Assembly constituency ticket to Kanna from YSRCP.
Kanna was apparently upset with BJP for not fulfilling promises the party made to him while joining into BJP. Apparently, Kanna was promised with a “post” considering his seniority while joining BJP. However, he was not given any post. And latest is about AP BJP’s President post. While initially Kanna was considered, but he was later put aside considering that he is a “Valasa” Neta i.e an Emigrant politician from Congress. This said to have deeply upset Kanna who tendered his resignation.
Meanwhile, YSRCP has come forward with double bonanza to Kanna. While Pedakurapadu is confirmed to Kanna, Jagan also said to have promised to offer Chirala (Prakasm district) Assembly constituency ticket to Kanna’s close aide and NRI Tella Venkatesh Yadav.
By joining Kanna, Jagan has eyed the votes of Kapu. Already, another senior leader Botsa Satyanarayana is also in YSRCP.