Telangana’s most dynamic minister KT Rama Rao appreciated Bharat Ram, the dynamic CM of silver screen.He watched Mahesh Babu’s ‘Bharat Ane Nenu’ at a special screening last night and today he also did a programme appreciating the film.
The team has recorded special video program with KTR, Mahesh Babu and Koratala Siva which will be released to the media channels and on YouTube.KTR was so impressed with the film’s theme and the topics it had touched that he has readily agreed to promote the movie.
The IT Minister of Telangana also shares great equations with all the leading celebrities of Tollywood.The minister is also an avid film buff and regularly shares his opinions about any movie he likes.
However, doing a special video interview is an unusual act for a politician. But he did agree to it for Mahesh.