Known for her stints in various films since Ravi Babu’s “Allari”, character artist Tirumala Subhashini got popular as Allari Subashini and has done more than 100 films in Tollywood.
But fate has other plans for her and last year it was revealed that she’s suffering from uterus cancer. Requesting Tollywood biggies for a help, she shared some emotional videos as well through some YouTube channels. It looks like the videos have fallen in the eyes of Megastar Chiranjeevi.
Today megastar Chiranjeevi sent his younger daughter Sreeja to send a financial aid to Subhashini. It is heard that he gave her a cheque of 2 lakhs which is handed over to Subhashini at her home by Chiru’s daughter. With this move, it is expected that even other heroes might also send a support to the ailing character artist.
Rather fighting over Sri Reddy’s comments or Varma’s instigation, will it not sound good if media and film industry collectively runs some campaigns to help such artists suffering from dreaded diseases? Oh, that won’t give TRPs!