Other day a Jodhpur court found 77-year-old Asaram Bapu guilty of raping a teenager five years ago and sentenced him to life in prison. The teenager from Shahajanpur in Uttar Pradesh was studying at the self-styled godman’s ashram in Jodhpur, Rajasthan and raped her on the night of August 15th, 2013.
While from media to journalists, celebrities to activists are expressing happiness over the verdict, many are praising the lawyer of the victim. Despite lured by crores of rupees and also some death threats, lawyer Poonam Chand Solanki didn’t back off from this high profile case. Still driving a 2004 model Alto car, Solanki is happy that he has won the case over stalwarts like Ram Jethmalani and Subramanyam Swamy who fought on the side of Asaram.
Another major thing is since the girl’s family is poor, Poonam Solanki didn’t charge anything from them. “Today I’m happy to look that happiness on the faces of the girl and her father. I’m happy that I’ve argued without fear in Rajasthan high court with some stalwarts. It was a memorable moment for me. The smile on my father’s face is also worth crores”
Definitely, these are the types of lawyers our country needs at the moment but not the ones who prevent another honest lawyer from filing a case sheet in Asifa case. Take a bow Poonam Solanki sir!!