Even before the statements by Saroj Khan and the chaos made by them are cooled down, Bollywood veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha took her side saying “She spoke the truth”. He agrees with Renuka Chowdary’s statements too.
Looks like the debates and arguments about ‘casting couch’ are not going to end anytime soon. Earlier, when asked about the casting couch culture and sexual favours in film industry, veteran choreorapher Saroj Khan spoke that atleast film industry gave work and did not rape and abandon like in many other places.
Shatrughan Sinha came out supporting Saroj Khan and Renuka chowdary’s statements atthe same time, but asks to let Saroj Khan’s emotional correctness rule over the political correctness and believes she spoke the truth. Sinha supports her saying that if she said that girls have to comprimise sexually in Bollywood, she must be aware on what goes on.
Sinha admitted that casting couch was a reality and condemns the culture of giving and taking the sexual favours for career advancement. His words on casting couch culture say that it is immemorial and what makes everyone upset about, are not going well with all now.
Shatrughan Sinha asks not to condemn Saroj Khan’s statements but asks to condemn those who made this ‘comprimise’ inevitable to go ahead with life.
Calling it a personal choice, Sinha, in a way, states that casting couch is a personal choice and nobody is forced on ‘giving’ favours and ‘taking’ offers. There is no compulsion or intimidation in that, Sinha concludes!