Putting an end to rumors and unwanted speculations, Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja families announced the wedding officially and the date is May 8th, just in a week from now and it is going to be an intimate affair!
Sonam and Anand have been seeing each other since some time and there were lot of speculations about their wedding.
Now the official statement from the families read, “The Kapoor & Ahuja families, take great joy and pride, in announcing the marriage of Sonam & Anand. The wedding will take place on the 8th of May in Mumbai . Since it is an intimate affair, we request you to respect the family’s need for privacy. Thank you for all your blessings and love,as we celebrate this special moment in our lives.”
Though Sonam and Anand kept mum about the special date, fans already expected something after looking at Anil Kapoor’s house decorated and celebrities like Karan Johar visiting the Kapoor house for Sangeet dance practices and all.
It is reported that Sonam and Ahuja’s similar taste in fashion made them together and they never really shied away from publicly displaying affection towards each-other.