The cricket betting allegations surrounding YSR Congress party’s Nellore district rural MLA and Jagan’s trusted confidante Kotamreddy Sridhar Reddy have become stronger with the unravel of proofs by the district SP Ramakrishna. Sridhar Reddy’s alleged connection with the rampant cricket betting operated from Nellore district has
In the latest development, Nellore SP Ramakrishna has submitted the report to DGP Malakondaiah. The hotel bills and CCTV footage have also been submitted as proofs. Apparently, cops have evidence of Kotamreddy Sridhar Reddy meeting bookie D Krishna Singh a lot of times.
Since politically significant and accused being sitting MLA from the Opposition party, the case has been transferred to the ACB. DGP Malakondaiah has written a letter to ACB DG Thakur to probe the matter efficiently. With this, cases have been filed against Kotamreddy under ACB act. It is speculated that Kotamreddy has direct links with cricket bookies and Kotamreddy allegedly backed them.
According to police, Kotamreddy met chief bookie Krishna Singh in Vijayawada in hotels. Cops have gathered the hotel bills and CCTV footage of the same.As per cops, Krishna Singh had been provided accommodation in Kotamreddy’s house. Cops investigation revealed that Krishna Singh has paid Rs 23 Lakh to Kotamreddy via Vishnu Vardhan Reddy in Kadapa R&B Guest house. Cops said Kotamreddy helped Krishna Singh to hide in his residence and even helped him later to surrender in court later.
Earlier cops have booked a case under Sec 3 of AP Gaming Act, Sec 109, Sec 173 and 174 of the IPC as they have concrete evidence on the involvement of the MLA in cricket betting activity. Now, ACB registered cases against Kotamreddy. This is seen as a major embarrassment to Jagan and YSRCP.