In few more hours, Allu Arjun’s latest movie “Naa Peru Surya” is getting ready to hit the cinemas. The whole of cinema fraternity is looking forward to this film to complete the hat-trick after Rangasthalam and Bharat Anu Nenu. Let’s have a look at the odds and favours for that to happen.
We have to say that Naa Peru Surya has many favours coming its way. Firstly we’ve to agree that it is a complete mass movie audiences are waiting for. Rangasthalam’s vintage backdrop and Bharat’s slow narrative have impressed only certain sections, but NPS looks like a total family package. That will help the film big time.
And then, both Rangasthalam and Bharat Anu Nenu are crushed to the pulp at the box office, so cinema lovers are looking forward to a new change. And then Allu Arjun’s dances in song teasers, three super hit songs from the album scored by Vishal Sekhar, Anu Emmanuel’s glamour and Vakkantam Vamsi’s serious character carved for Bunny are pulling attention towards this biggie. Are these things not enough to score a blockbuster?
Of course, even with negative reviews from critics, Sarrainodu and DJ collected 70+ crores share easily. But what is needed for Bunny to enter 100 crore club is a positive review from critics and positive word of mouth from the first show from the audiences. If that happens, NPS will get places. Let’s see.