BJP leader Kanumuri Raghu Ramakrishnam Raju is all set to cross over to TDP. Despite huge attempts by BJP to held him back, Raghuramakrishnama Raju has finally decided to move onto TDP. Since BJP has grossly ignored AP and failed to fulfill its promises, Raghu Ramakrishnam Raju has predicted that BJP will not have future in AP.
Raghuramakrishnam Raju, the CMD of the Rs 7,736 million Ind-Barat Infra Limited, that runs nine operational power plants across the country, is likely to contest from Narasapuram Lok Sabha seat in 2019 general election on TDP. He said to have got Chandrababu Naidu’s nod and his joining of TDP is almost finalized.
This gained more significance as Raghuramakrishnam Raju is co-brother of KVP, YSR’s close-aide. Earlier Raghuramakrishnam Raju had joined YSRCP but due to differences, he had quit YCP and subsequently joined BJP. While he was supposed to contest on BJP ticket from Naraspuram MP seat, he was replaced by another industrialist and patron of RSS-VHP Gokaraju Gangaraju who later won as Naraspur MP with the support of TDP due to TDP-BJP alliance.
Raghuramakrishnama Raju is also close to Pawan Kalyan, Nagarjuna. Raghuramakrishnama Raju had played crucial role in getting Pawan and Nag campaign for BJP in 2014. With the joining of Raghuramakrishnama Raju into TDP, political equations are expected to change swiftly in West Godavari district.