A day after wedding of Paritala Ravi’s daughter Snehalatha, Ravi’s close aide and right-hand man Chaman Saab breathed his last. Chaman suffered a severe cardiac arrest on Monday and was rushed to a private hospital in Anantapur where he had died while undergoing treatment. Knowing about Chaman’s hospitalization, Civil Supplies Minister Paritala Sunita visited the hospital. But by then, doctors have confirmed Chaman’s death. Apparently, hearing the sad news, minister said to have fainted.
Chaman was very close friend of Paritala Ravi and was considered as a family member. Upon instructions from Paritala Ravi, Chaman had gone into underground after YS Rajasekhar Reddy became the CM. Ravi had instructed Chaman not to come into public even if he was killed. Obeying Ravi’s orders, Chaman didn’t come out even though Ravi was brutally murdered by rivals. In fact, Chaman’s daughter had committed suicide during his hiding due to her family problems, yet Chaman didn’t come out.
Only during 2014 elections, Chaman came out and forayed into politics. Chaman was even made Anantapur ZP Chairman.
In his one of the old interviews, Chaman said he loved Paritala Ravi more than his own daughter. Chaman had recalled his bonding with Ravi, Sunitha and family. Chaman had been long-time associate of Ravi and had stayed with him even before Ravi’s marriage with Sunitha.
In fact, during earlier days, Chaman, his wife stayed along with Paritala Ravi and Paritala Sunita. Chaman had recalled that he had carried Paritala Sriram on his shoulders and said they’re like his own children.
Chaman’s sudden demise a day after the wedding of Paritala Snehalatha has come as a huge shock to Paritala family. Paritala family, who was in jubilation due to Sneha Latha’s marriage, turned into grief-stricken with Chaman’s untimely passing away.