Superstar Rajnikanth has earlier created flutters in Telugu tinsel too after he announced April 27th as the release date of “Kaala”. Back then, producers like Bunny Vasu created came open against this fixture and criticised the makers of disrupting the flow of Telugu movies at the box office.
And then, the Tamil Theatres Owners strike led to rapid changes in release dates and all the delayed films occupied summer season at Kollywood box office. That made “Kaala” reschedule the release date as June 7th. For the now, Superstar is coming solo but an imaginable competitor is now giving threat to him.
Any other hero would have slowed down because of Rajni’s pan-Indian image, but this years-old creature has a global image and could challenge even our superstar. Yes, the sequel to 2015 blockbuster film “Jurassic World”, the “Fallen Kingdom” will hit the Indian screens two weeks before its release in the USA. On June 8th, the film is looking at almost 2300+ screens to take Indian market by a storm in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil and English languages.
“Jurassic World: The Fallen Kingdom” is already carrying big hype as many children and elders are waiting for the film to come. After “Avengers”, this film is likely to shake Indian box office with crores of rupees collection. But the dinosaurs are clashing with Thalaiva here, so let’s see what happens.