Though he doesn’t like to celebrate his birthday, young actor Vijay Devarakonda feels that he want to give a treat to the city of Hyderabad. And then he feels that his treat should give respite from the soaring temperatures. Here goes his unique plan.
Employing three trucks that carry ice cream, the actor says, “Say Hi to #TheDeverakondaBirthdayTruck”, and these trucks distribute the ice cream for free. “We will be giving away Ice Cream to as many as possible and If you spot them, don’t be shy just go and take some IceCream, smile and enjoy it” he adds, asking the eaters to pose a snap with the truck and share it back on social media.
But the main idea is not about publicity, but only to give relief to people working under the hot sun, he says. “The idea is to give out free ice cream to everyone going about their day in the heat. The traffic cops, the street vendors, students, employees” Vijay adds, explaining that a few days of shooting in the sun made him do this.
And guess how his fans reacted about this? They felt happy with some asking, send the trucks to Vizag and Chennai as well. The young actor surely knows how to live up to the hype.