After facing severe criticism for his comments on Sri Reddy-Pawan Kalyan row, Ram Gopal Varma seems to have got a breather when one of the civil service exam’s topper stated he is an ardent fan of RGV and said RGV’s philosophy, perception at looking things changed him forever. Civil’s all India ranker Yadavalli Akshay Kumar, who secured 624 rank, said RGV is the reason for achieving his dream of cracking Civils.
In an interview, Akshay said his mindset has been changed after knowing and following RGV. He said he wouldn’t miss a single video of RGV and said he even watched RGV’s video a day before the Civils exam. Akshay said he would like to meet RGV one day but he said he would meet him only when he himself (Akshay) is in a better position or else he said RGV would ‘ignore’ him which he couldn’t take.
Akshay said he has learnt speaking logically from RGV. He said RGV has read all the world’s philosophers and hence he said he read RGV instead of reading all of them. He said it had made his work easy. Akshay said he watched RGV’ Satya many times. He also said RGV’s take on crime and his perception on crime has made an indelible impact on him. Akshay said he has made five of his friends into RGV’s fans.
Bowled by Akshay’s interview, RGV has took to Twitter to share his joy. Ramu in his own way stated he is on cloud nine since he who failed twice in his Civil Enginnering has influenced a Civils Topper. He also took potshots at his detractors who often criticized him for romanticising crime and citing Akshay he asked everyone to see what good he has brought in the society with his crime films.