The drama continues in Karnataka as both Congress-JD(S) and BJP have separately met the Karnataka Governor Vajubhai Vala and staked claimed to form the government. While Kumaraswamy even written a letter to Governor and later met him and asked him to invite him to form the government with Congress support, Governor apparently sought two more days time to take notice of the prevailing political conditions.
As part of the norms, Governor should invite the single largest party first to form the government. In this case, Vajubhai should invite the BJP since it is the single largest party with 104 seats. Whereas this norm was not followed in Goa and Manipur, instead BJP which was not the single largest party in Goa was invited, Congress and JD(S) are now asking the Governor to follow Goa-Manipur model.
Congress went a step ahead and asked the Governor to invite largest post-poll coalition (JDS-Congress) to form govt. After meeting Governor, Congress and JDS held a joint press conference in which it made its intentions very clear.
On the other hand, BJP’s CM candidate BS Yeddyurappa already met Governor and too asked him for a chance to prove his majority. Amidst this, Governor Vajubhai is said to have sought time to take his next move. Apparently, Governor is likely to take the opinion of the constitutional experts.
Since Vajubhai is a former RSS worker and BJP’s senior leader who even worked as Finance Minister in Narendra Modi government, all eyes are on what would be Vajubhai’s next step.