The results of Karnataka have shocked BJP CM candidate Yeddyurappa and party senior leaders who claimed to have a landslide victory of 120 to 130 seats. Even after the whirlwind campaign of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, UP CM Yogi Adityanath, BJP chief Amit Shah and a few others, BJP has been restricted only to 104 assembly seats.
Out of 46 constituencies where Telugu voters dominate and act as deciding factor (have more than 50,000 Telugu voters), Congress won in 32, JDS won in 9, whereas BJP, which emerged as single largest party, was limited to only 5 seats. This clearly indicates how the Telugu voters stopped BJP to storm into power. Thus they have once again proved their strength and commitment.
While BJP scored zero in Kolar and Chikkaballapur, it got only 2 out of 7 seats in Raichur, 3 out of 5 seats in Koppal and 3 out of 9 in Bellary. Especially, limiting BJP to just 3 in Gali Janardhan Reddy’s Bellary is a great shock to the BJP.
The above results clearly show how bad BJP gonna get in Andhra Pradesh in 2019 general elections.