Gemini Ganesan’s daughter from his first wife Alamelu and well-known gynecologist, Kamala Selvaraj, has breathed fire on the makers of Mahanati. Kamala alleged that the makers of Mahanati have shown her father Gemini Ganesan in bad light. Responding on the scenes where Gemini is seen introducing alcohol to Savitri in the film, Kamala took serious offence to it and alleged that it is not her dad who habituated Savitri to alcohol.
She further alleged that her dad Gemini was shown as a lazy person which is not true. She said her father Gemini Ganesan was a top star alongside MGR, Sivaji Ganesan.
Kamala also denied the claims that no one in industry had come to the rescue of Savitri during her lull phase. She said her dad Gemini Ganesan had went to meet Savitri at her house when she was busy with the works of Praptam movie but her dad had faced bad experience. Kamala said her dad was forcibly sent out by Savitri’s watchman. Kamala said she was also there accompanying her father then. Since then, her dad (Gemini) never tried to contact Savitri again.
Kamala is an award-winning obstetrician and gynecologist. She commissioned the first test tube baby of South India in August 1990. Her opinion on Mahanati movie is now triggering sparks.