A six year-old girl was mercilessly raped by a 65-year-old man in a village under Satrikh police station area in Uttar Pradesh. The heinous incident took place a week ago but it came into light only yesterday when the girl’s father lodged police complaint.
According to complaint, the girl was playing outside her house about a week ago when the accused Panni Lal lured her to his house and raped her. The accused said to have fled after violating her.
An FIR in this connection was filed after father of the victim registered his complaint yesterday, he said, adding that the girl has been sent to a district hospital for medical examination. Efforts are on to nab the culprit, police station in-charge Atul Srivastava said.
With the ghastly incident taken place in Yogi Adityanath’s government, Opposition parties are making huge cry over the issue. After the incidents of Kathua, Unnao and latest being this, looks like the crime against women and children are not going to end in near sight. It’s high time governments should bring strict laws and implement them perfectly by giving strict punishment to the culprits.