Even as two-day CM Yeddyurappa resigned voluntarily ahead of the Floor Test and admitted that he has required numbers to form the government, BJP seems to have not given up its hopes on Karnataka. In a fresh, Karnataka BJP’s senior MLA S Suresh Kumar has filed his nomination for the Speaker post.
Suresh, a five-time MLA, from BJP is contesting the election opposite Congress-JD(S) combine. This is even after BJP stepped down as it has only 104 MLAs whereas Congress-JD(S) combine has 117 MLAs.
“Based on the strength of numbers and various other factors, our party leaders have confidence that I will win. With that confidence I have filed my nomination.I’ve filed my nomination. There is election tomorrow at 12.15 pm. After the election you will get to know the result,” Suresh was quoted as saying.
Responding on this, ex CM and Congress leader Siddaramiah enthused confidence that their candidate Ramesh would win. After Congress-JD(S) combine gave shock to Modi and Amit Shah by stopping them in Karnataka, BJP now wants to give back the shock to Congress and JD(S) by winning Speaker post.
However, one has to wait and see, what would happen. Looks like, BJP has not given up its hopes on Karnataka yet.