Rubbing salt on BJP’s wound – losing Karnataka, Chandrababu’s presence at the swearing-in ceremony of Kumaraswamy had further embarrassed his political enemy Narendra Modi. In continuation to this, Chandrababu Naidu has now come up with a master-plan to further humiliate Modi-Shah combine. In a fresh idea, Naidu will be inviting all major national leaders and regional party chiefs to the Dharma Porata Sabha in Amaravati. In this Sabha, Chandrababu would be making a stentorian speech exposing Modi & his government’s bundle of lies.
Already, Naidu has been screening the videos of Modi’s previous speeches on promises to AP and how he violated all those. While this is already irking BJP leaders, the new attempt to make Amaravati event a national event and catching the attention of national media would further irk BJP.
Chandrababu Naidu is already making preparations for the grand do and invite the likes of Mamata Banerjee, Akhilesh Yadav, Mayawati and communist leaders besides others. Since this is the third and final event of Dharma Porata Sabha that was earlier conducted in Tirupati and Vizag, now massive arrangements are done in Amaravati. Naidu is expecting 5 lakh crowd for the do.
This Dharma Porata Sabha in Amaravati is said to be very crucial for TDP as it not only targets BJP, but even expected to give a huge shock to YSRCP that is working hand-in-glove with the Saffron party.
In fact, Naidu wants to prove a point to people that only he has national charisma and could bring Special Category Status to AP. And one more message is to BJP and its top leaders that what Naidu could do if ignored. The Dharma Porata Sabha in Amaravati is expected to be a stage for all Opposition parties and their future course of action in Battle 2019.