Long back when Rajamouli shared the poster of “Burning Star” Sampoornesh Babu’s Hrudaya Kaleyam on his social media page, this new star went viral in no time. Though he didn’t have any big successes to his credit, his crazy antics when it comes to films have made Sampoo a widely discussed celebrity.
Other day he has come up with a poster of “Kobbari Matta” where it is written that the film will collect 233+ crores ‘gross’ in its first week. In the wake of films like Bharat Anu Nenu and Naa Peru Surya boasting a lot with their fake figures on posters, which read 100 crores and 200 crores, it looks like Sampoo’s posters are a satire on all those biggies.
And then Sampoornesh Babu has come up with a new teaser of Kobbari Matta wherein he’s seen uttering a 2-minute-long dialogue in a single take without taking the breath in between. The dialogue is both a satire and also a praise on all women. These punches are quite hilarious as twitterati is enjoying them.
But the irony is that Kobbari Matta was supposed to release in 2016 but the film is struggling since then to come out of the closet and do hungama in theatres. Sampoo is expecting that the film will release this Summer but with the season ending in just two more weeks, we have to see how far he will succeed.