Victory Venkatesh prestigious upcoming film “Shadow” is getting ready to hit the screen. Earlier the film was said to have a March 29th release but now the release date of the film has come under lots of ambiguity.
After every few days a new rumour regarding the reason for delay in the release is coming. The latest news heard for the delay in release revolves around music director S.S.Thaman. As the music director is busy with lots of films that are about to release, the post production works of Shadow are getting delayed says the unit of the film. The film has recently held its audio launch but a release date for the film wasn’t announced. Well whatever may be the actual reason we hope the unit solves it soon as a long gap between the audio and film’s release might affect its box office prediction. This film is directed by Meher Ramesh. The music of the film was acquired a good response. It is a multi starrer film where hero Srikanth is showcased in a Powerful role in this film.