Other day Union IT Minister Ravishankar Prasad was in Hyderabad to talk about the achievements of incumbent BJP government and invited some famous Radio Jockeys of the city from all popular radio stations. Actually, BJP is said to be expecting these RJs to chant the NaMo mantra after this briefing.
In fact, when RJs were asked to come out with a questionnaire, most of them have only two questions on the mind, being common public like all others. They wanted to ask him, how does demonetisation help the country and how the cash crunch situation at ATMs would be answered by BJP. Also, some RJs wanted to ask if GST is really helpful and how BJP thought of forming a government in Karnataka while they did a Congress-JDS like a stunt in Goa and other states. Did they ask?
When one of the RJs asked about GST, the minister immediately said ‘no’, as he doesn’t want to answer that question. And when another one spoke about Karnataka thing, the Minister stated that the RJ doesn’t have enough information collected on the issue, and dismissed the question, a source shared. If the minister doesn’t want to talk about what common people (here represented by RJs) are asking answers for, then how come he expects RJs to promote NaMo chants?
“BJP is on edge of the cliff and they should actually shout ‘help’ now. But still, they are arrogantly trying to explain their bravery. Once they fall in 2019, they will understand their grave mistake” a Radio Jockey on condition of anonymity commented.