Already, one of the daughters of late actor Gemini Ganeshan expressed unhappiness that her dad is portrayed in a negative way in “Mahanati” while Savitri is shown quite positively. Though Savitri’s very own daughter Vijaya Chamundeswari ruled this out as a perspective difference, here is another family member venting frustration on Mahanati movie.
Inside the film, we could see that Savitri is raised by one KV Chowdhary and he’s the one who took her to Madras to make her a movie star. Now, a woman named Vijaya, who claims to be the grand daughter of KV Chowdhary’s brother, is saying that Mahanati didn’t showcase the total facts that audiences should know.
An audio file sent from Vijaya says, “KV Chowdhary is a huge drunkard and Savitri’s drinking habits might have a connection with it”. Also she accused that Vijaya Chamundeswari was the biggest headache in Savitri’s life and that angle was not even shown. “When her mother was alive, Vijaya Chamundeswari didn’t even take care of her. Instead she went to the Court to own Savitri’s Bungalow and made her mother move to a small two-room house. How come she’s turning so emotional now?”, she asked. Seems like KV Chowdhary’s family members are upset that Vijaya Chamundeswari has hidden few crucial elements of Savitri’s life.
When asked to respond on the same, Savitri’s daughter Vijaya Chamundeswari rules out knowing any person named Vijaya and how she is related to their family. Also, she said that the factual inaccuracies being sighted by many are not of any interest to her.