Praveen Sattaru’s film with Ram which was supposed to take off has been shelved. Although rumours have it that budget restraints are the issue from producers’ point and the script needed such budget from director’s end, the project finally seems to have moved to Tamil star Dhanush.
Reportedly, Praveen is toying with the idea of pitching the film’s story to Dhanush who has good base in Tamil and moderate market in Telugu (after Raghuvaran BTech).
While it’s not clear Dhanush given his go ahead or not since his directorial venture with Nagarjuna is also due, one has to wait and see whether the National-Award winning filmmaker would persuade Dhanush to do this film for him. If Praveen succeeds, certainly, it will be the first victory.
Praveen’s last film Garuda Vega got critical acclaim, but the film couldn’t earn the profits as expected due to its high budget and long delay before its release. Praveen this time is quite confident of overcoming it by roping in big star and handy production house. Let’s see.