Manchu Manoj was dealt with a big blow when his last movie, Uu Kodathara ulikki Padthara bombed miserably at the box office despite having a star like Nandamuri Balakrishna in its rank. And now Manoj had realised the importance of bagging immediate commercial success and is now banking on a romantic comedy entertainer to bag commercial success.
The movie will have four heroines romancing Manoj and will go on to sets in the last week of this month. The makers are keen on finishing the movie fast and are targeting release in the second half of the year. A formal announcement regarding the heroines and the rest of the crew will be made soon. This new project is titled ‘Potugadu’ and will be directed by a new comer Pavan. Lagadapati Sridhar and Sirisha will be producing this movie on their Rama Lakshmi movies banner.