‘I Don’t Want To Become Pregnant Yet’

With this hot lady putting fat, many thought that she is actually gaining weight because she’s pregnant. Some said that they have noticed that baby bump too. But what is the reason behind that? Is there truth in such gossips?

After looking at Goan siren Ileana D’cruz and her chubby bikini avatar as the brand ambassador of Fiji Islands for India, she has clarified visibly that there is no such thing called pregnancy. However, in an interview she gave to news agencies over her Fiji trip, she gave much more clarity.

Ileana stated that she will be happy if she got pregnant, but for the now, she’s not thinking about it. “I  would be super happy if I’m pregnant, but that will take some more time. I still don’t want it” said Ileana, giving a clarity about her pregnancy. Then what about those rumours about her marriage to Australian photographer Andrew Kneebone.

“I want to reveal only a little bit of insight into my family. I don’t want them to face the suffering because of me. It’s not important for me to tell cinema lovers about my marriage. That invites negativity, however, but I’ve learned to live with it” she added.

No matter how many times media has pressed, Ileana has not even revealed a bit about her wedding to her boyfriend.