A few months ago, we heard that Young Rebel Star Prabhas would be offered Rs.20 crores remuneration for his ongoing movie ‘Baahubali’. Since he is going to give maximum number of dates for the project, and is likely to act next movie only after two years, the remuneration offered to Prabhas was said to be affordable. A few days ago, when pawan kalyan accepted to do a movie in PVP Cinemas, he was gossiped to have accepted a remuneration of Rs.20 crores.
And last but not the least, two days ago, a gossip was spread that Prince Mahesh Babu was offered Rs.20 crores remuneration by UTV Motion Pictures. No wonder, we may hear in next few days that Mega Power Star Ram Charan and Young Tiger NTR will also take Rs.20 crores for their next movies. Here the million dollar question is which hero is really offered that record remuneration? Likely, their hit stamina in forthcoming days reveal the facts.