Puri Jagannadh, who is reeling under successive debacles, is struggling to make a comeback. Puri has been wooing the star heroes but with almost all the star heroes in the top league are busy with the pipeline of films, Puri is now turning towards veteran heroes such as Balayya, Nag and Chiru.
As Chiru’s Auto Johnny was not materialized and Balayya sought more time as he is currently busy with his ongoing films including NTR (NTR biopic), Puri seems to have approached his Sivamani star Nagarjuna.Puri told to have narrated impressive stories to both Nagarjuna and Naga Chaitanya separately and both are told to have liked Puri’s stories.
However, Nag seems to have put a condition to Puri about the production. This said to have not gone down well with Puri. And industry grapevine is that Puri-Nag’s combo may not materialize due to this hiccup.With this, Puri may now go back to focus on his son’s second film under home production which is based on a Martial Arts and is scheduled to be shot in the US.