‘Jabardasth’ fame Hari, who is known for small and character roles, is said to be in the hit list of Chittoor district police. The accused has been allegedly involved in the illegal smuggling of red sandalwood. Allegedly, the accused started small by developing contacts with small smugglers and subsequently developed contacts with big smugglers in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka.
As per cops, the accused earned crores in very short time with the smuggling of red sandalwood. He said to have cut the red sandalwood in Sesachalam hills through woodcutters and export it to the neighbouring states Tamil Nadu, Karnataka.
What’s more? The accused allegedly have developed contacts with the big smugglers and expanded his business. He even turned film financier and is said to be financing the money to various producers. He recently said to have financed Shakalka Shankar’s Sambo Shankara as well.
Taskforce police officials have lodged 20 cases against Hari. The police personnel also found out that two more actors are involved in the red sandalwood smuggling. As per police officials, the accused also lured many students, unemployed and others into smuggling. A detailed probe is going on. More details are yet to be out.