The teaser of director Sampath Nandi’s second production ‘Paper Boy’ is out. The 62 seconds video starts off introducing the lead cast, Santosh Shoban and Riya Suman.The couple appear fresh and what we can see in the teaser is a neat and cute presentation of love story. Cinematography by Soundar Rajan is the biggest asset for the film and the visuals of the teaser look rich and vibrant.
Hero Santosh Shoban, though a newcomer comes up with a subtle performance. When the leading lady asks why he is working as a paper boy after graduating in engineering, Santosh gives a smart reply… “Adi Bathakadam Kosam… Idi Bhavishyathu Kosam” which is quite sensible.
Jaya Shankarr is directing ‘Paper Boy’ while Bheems is composing music