Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who is one of the top actresses of south, has changed her gears and started working in story-driven films like Rangasthalam, Abhimanyudu, U-turn & Mahanati. Now, the Akkineni lady will be seen in ‘Seema Raja’ alongside the young Kollywood actor Siva Karthikeyan.
As the buzz around film kicked off after the makers announced the audio launch date as 3rd August, Samantha’s look from the film is doing rounds on the Internet. Sporting a totally traditional outfit and carrying a smile on face, the star actress is spotted with a dove in her right hand. Arguably, this is a little-glamorized version of Rama Lakshmi (Rangasthalam).
Scheduled to release on 13th September, the film reportedly has senior heroine Simran playing the antagonist role. On other hand, rumors are rife that the two films of Samantha – U-Turn & Seema Raja, will release on same days. However, the makers of U-Turn didn’t make any official announcement in this regard.