In yet another stunning movie, Rajamouli’s father, the talented writer of films like Magadheera, Baahubali series, Bajrangi Baijaan and Mani Karinka is now doing another big Bollywood venture. This time, it will mark the debut of a star Telugu director as well.
Popular film production and distribution company, Eros International, has confirmed that they are going to produce almost 10 films with the scripts written by Vijayendra Prasad. And one of the first films of this production combo will be directed by none other than Sukumar.
Yes, it’s official that Sukumar will be making his Bollywood debut with an action thriller written by Vijayendra Prasad. And guess what, the film might feature Varun Dhawan in the leading role if sources are to be believed. With Mahesh Babu’s film in hand, we wonder if Sukumar is ditching it to go to Bollywood or he will go after wrapping that movie.
Apart from this movie, the Baahubali writer is also sending his brother’s son SS Kanchi to Tamil with a bilingual that will be produced by Eros as part of this deal.