Jagan’s unwarranted comments on Pawan Kalyan have kicked up a big political storm in Andhra Pradesh politics. Not just Pawan’s fans, Janasena leaders, but Pawan’s community people are also now up in the arms against Jagan’s personal comments. In addition to this, a section of anti-government voters who were looking up to Jagan are shocked with Jagan’s personal comments and are now rethinking about their decision. The issue has yet again created a certain perception against Jagan who always takes things personally instead of looking at things broadly.
Now, political analysts are finding the fight between YCP and Janasena interesting. Many speculate that the war between Jagan and Pawan is for the position of the Opposition Leader of Andhra Pradesh. TDP leaders too stress that their leader Chandrababu Naidu would storm to power once again leaving opposition parties YCP and Janasena to slug it out for the second and third places in AP politics.
Jagan’s comments against Pawan also indicate the underlying fear in Jagan against PK. Frankly speaking, Jagan has done nothing in the last 4 years and he has failed as the Leader of Opposition in taking up the people’s problems. Be it in Assembly or Parliament, YCP’s elected representatives have hardly made their presence left in the houses.
Whilst YCP boycotted the Assembly sessions, their MPs had resigned instead of fighting for the Special Category Status in the Parliament in the Monsoon Session. These have sent a strong signals to the people, argue TDP leaders and some political analysts who are tracking the developments closely. On the whole, the feud between YCP and Janasena may turn into a huge advantage to the ruling TDP, opine many. Let’s wait and watch.