Niharika Konidela’s second film in Telugu, Happy Wedding is releasing today. She paired up with Sumanth Ashwin in it. Lakshman Karya is the director and a big production house UV Creations is backing it. Going by its promising trailers, Happy Wedding should appeal to youth and urban audience, but there is hardly any buzz around it.
Niharika is yet to make a mark as the female lead and Sumanth Ashwin has been going through a lean patch in his career.Happy Wedding doesn’t have any crowd pulling factors besides the support of UV Creations that has made a name for itself by making successful films.
Saakshyam’s failure should be a blessing in disguise as the film lovers that look for weekend entertainment may opt for this one if it generates positive word of mouth.It is a big day for Niharika and Sumanth Ashwin that are desperately in need of a hit at the moment.