Legendary actor Akkineni Nageswara Rao’s granddaughter Supriya Yarlagadda had made her acting debut with Akkada Ammayi Ikkada Abbayi 22 years ago. Incidentally, the film also marked the acting debut of Pawan Kalyan.However, the film did not run as expected and Supriya later took to production and got busy overseeing Annapurna Studios’ affairs. On the other hand, Pawan Kalyan went on to become one of the leading stars in Tollywood and a demigod to millions of his diehard fans.
Recently, Supriya made her comeback to the silver screen with a special role in Goodachari. During a promotional interview Supriya said that she had never thought that Pawan would become such a huge star during their debut days. However, Supriya didn’t divulge much details about her prediction about Pawan.
Now that her role in Goodachari is getting a unanimous applause, Supriya says that she is game fo more acting offers if they are worthwhile. “I will not leave any film which will offer me a negative role,” Supriya added. Are the filmmakers listening?