Leader of the Opposition in AP Assembly YS Jaganmohan Reddy, who is on his prestigious Praja Sankalpa Yatra in Andhra Pradesh, is trending on social media for various reasons. While it is obvious that people – young and old alike are attracted to his voracious speeches and political ideology, especially the youth seem to have more attraction to this young leader.
A month ago, a video of a girl trying to kiss YS Jagan on his cheek during the padayatra went viral on Facebook and Whatsapp. While the incident left some embarrassing moments for YS Jagan and his followers, the WhatsApp video has given some fodder for the trollers and baddies on internet.
On his journey, YS Jagan appears to have confronted yet another incident during the yatra. A photograph of a girl kissing YS Jagan went viral once again on social media. YS Jagan is seen a bit embarrassed due to the unflinching affection being shown to him by the girl. While another woman back to her is watching YS Jagan’s reaction.