YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has yet again unleashed an all-round attack on Chandrababu Naidu. In his fresh attack, Jagan rebuked Naidu of having 5 ‘political’ marriages. He alleged that Naidu had married BJP and divorced it. And accused him of now getting ready to marry Congress that divided the state unilaterally. He even pointed at CBN’s previous political alliances with CPI, CPM and TRS and described them of his ‘old’ marriages. Jagan accused Chandrababu Naidu of using BJP for his needs for 4 years and discontinued the marriage ahead of the elections.
Indicating at Nara Brahmin’s recent interaction with Rahul Gandhi as part of Gandhi’s Meet with the Business Persons, Entrepreneurs in Hyderabad recently, Jagan alleged Chandrababu Naidu of arranging the Rahul Gandhi’s meeting with his family members for the political talks. He even found fault with TDP for voting to Congress candidate in the Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman election.
Jagan didn’t stop there. He went onto accuse Naidu of looting the state and splurging people money. Jagan alleged that Chandrababu has splurged Rs 6000 Crore public money in the last four years and said that had that money has been spent for Polavaram Irrigation Project, he said the water would have come by now. He said Chandrababu is full of lies, corruption, injustice. He further accused him of spending public exchequer lavishly and pushing the state into debts. Jagan found fault with Amaravati’s bonds where state government is raising Rs 2000 Crore through the bonds for the development of the Capital Amaravati.