Pawan Kalyan along with his wife Anna Lezhneva and children Polena, Mark Shankar Pawanovich have met his elder brother Chiranjeevi who is celebrating his birthday. Pawan, who visited Chiru’s residence in Jubilee Hills, presented a big floral bouquet to Chiranjeevi and greeted him on his 63rd birthday. Seeing Pawan and family, Chiru welcomed them pleasantly and received them well. Chiru has placed his hand over Pawan’s shoulders and brought him closer when they were striking for a pose for camera.
Pawan and Chiru said to have spent good time. Chiru’s family see to it that Pawan and family are comfortable throughout. Pawan apparently told Chiru that he immensely liked the teaser of Sye Raa and Chiru is elated with Pawan liking it.Chiru said to be quite happy to see his younger brother Pawan personally greeting him. Pawan, who is busy with his new profession in politics.
Meanwhile, criticism is pouring in on Pawan for taking regular breaks in his Praja Porata Yatra. Pawan, who had planned to resume his Yatra in West Godavari district from July 16, had first postponed it to July 20 and subsequently postponed to July 23.
Pawan is expected to visit Jangareddigudem, Polavaram and Chintalapudi in West Godavari from Aug 23rd. But he has yet again postponed the schedule now citing the floods in West Godavari district. The new date would of his Porata Yatra would be announced soon.