Heroine proposed hero in Public

Tamil industry is too much popular for it’s love birds and proposals from past few years. Indian film industries best love stories are seen off screen in Tamil industry. But most of them end up with sad ending and few continue in their love track.

After some serious love affair rumors with Nayatara Aarya is now in hands of one more heroine saying that she is reayd to marry him. Tamil actress pooja says in public that she is interested in Aarya and she would like to marry him.  After these shocking words she also adds some masala from Aarya’s side saying that Aarya also knew all my wishes and he takes care of me all the time.
These words from Priya shocked K-town but few started thinking we never felt Aarya taking care of her or being close to her. What’s truth behind her love issue is yet unknown but this is now a thunder gossip for Kollywood media.