With many mosques still under water in flood-hit Kerala posing a big challenge for the Keralite Muslims, a Hindu Temple has allowed Muslims to offer Namaz prayers in its compound. Since Eid al-Adha, the festival of Sacrifice, is one of the biggest festivals for Muslims across the world and many Keralite Muslims are not in a position to celebrate it and not even in a position to offer Eid Namaz due to the prevailing situation, a Hindu Temple in Thrissur district of Kerala has opened the doors for the Muslim brothers to offer prayers.
By allowing Muslims to do Namazs in it, Purappillikavu Rakteshwari Temple in Mala of Thrissur has set a new precedent. This is a way of spreading love, harmony, peace and warmth. Many have welcomed this move by the authorities of Rakteshwari Temple. The story is now going viral online and is widely shared by people cutting across regions, languages.
In the time of calamity, by sharing love and harmony, the people of Kerala have stood as a great example. After standing in long queues in a very disciplined and orderly way at the petrol bunks as soon as they got opened, this act of Keralities is winning the internet.